Monday, April 4, 2011

The To-Do List

Now that I know what I want to do, I have to make a check list of all the things I want to accomplish to make my chances of having a VBAC much better. I haven't done a ton of research, or talked to my current OB/GYN about this, I don't intend for anyone else to think these are things that people MUST do in order to have a VBAC, these are just things that I feel I need to do.

  1. Lose about 80 pounds and keep it off.
  2. Become physically fit.
  3. Chart my cycles and fertility signs to find out peak fertility times.
  4. Talk to current OB/GYN or new OB/GYN about  having VBAC
  5. Achieve conception.
  6. Take Bradley Classes
  7. Investigate birthing coach options
  8. Have a baby!
So, this doesn't seem like much to tackle. People have overcome much more, right? Well, where to start. I NEED to lose weight. Not just to have a VBAC, but because I've been gaining weight since high school and have been overweight since I was a freshman in college. Diabetes and heart disease run in my family, so I need to lose weight. I want to be able to keep up with Josiah and be a good role model to him, so the first two items on my list are essential. Problem: I LOVE food! I love it and worse than that, my favorite foods are some of the worst ones for a person. I have no sense of portion control and balance in my diet. I make the meals, so I need to change this, but I love food. It's a vicious cycle. On top of that, I live with a LAZY man. I love my husband to death, but he is the epitome of laziness. He talks a good game, but when it comes to doing things to change our lifestyle together, he has 8 bazillion reasons why we can't do this and he's too tired to do that. Le sigh. So I need to change, I just don't know how. This is the first leg of my journey.

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