Wednesday, July 6, 2011

I am

I am one of those people who can't sit still. I am one of those people who's mind is running a million miles a minute with what should be done and what has to get done and what can be done. I am one of those people that has about a zillion projects going at one time- no really, about a zillion. However, all of this energy is rarely used to see anything through to completion. I would love to have one of those cute cozy blogger mom houses with the little touches of home made this and that that look oh so cute and chic and crafty, but in reality, my house is a disaster zone because I'm so busy thinking about the next project and keeping up with my two guys and all of our activities to actually get ahead of anything. Or almost anything.

Because we're running into a deadline, and I want this party to go off without a hitch, I've been listing and relisting and checking offf and crafting my (not so) little butt off for our son's first birthday party. We're doing one of those "oh so cute, look at all the fabulous decorations and other this and that" theme parties that you see on the blogs. I don't know if I'm setting myself up to feel like a failure, but I hope this party looks as good all set up as I see it in my head. I've been planning for about 6 months. We'll have to see how it turns out.

Maybe after this party is out of the way I can focus on tidying  all of my this and that and putting together some semblance of a cute, chic, crafty little house (or at least corner of) to enjoy.

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