Saturday, September 1, 2012

Its BABY month!

I can't believe that the wait for our sweet little girl is almost over. Her expected date of arrival is in just 17 days now. All of the hoping, planning and preparing time is almost at an end. I've been doing some frantic last minute nesting. Today we got our room in order and set up the bassinet in our room. We also rearranged furniture in the living room to make room for the tummy time mat and swing. Hopefully we can get the last few rooms of the house that need attention cleaned up before the little one decides to arrive.

I'm super excited to experience  birth. I am so thrilled with the choice I made to change providers, even if driving to the city once a week is less convenient. At "Meet the Midwives" there were two that I felt a connection with, where I was feeling "whoa, I hope that she is on call during my labor," and the one I had my appointment with on Friday was the same. Instead of feeling like I'm going into a battle ground, I feel like I'm going to head into a well supported birth that will be just beautiful.

I can't speak enough about how beneficial Bradley Method classes were for me. Even if my worst fears are realized and I end up having to have a repeat section, I do feel that Bradley has made me a healthier, happier person throughout this pregnancy. We went on a 10 day vacation during my 36th and 37th week. I never would have done that during J's pregnancy. I have felt so much better, and just from doing simple exercises and loosely following the diet recommendations. With J, I started swelling in April (he was born in July). This time, I have only just started swelling at the end of the day  a week ago.

Its been an incredible journey, and although I didn't get the chance to prepare myself as fully as I wanted to be the perfect hostess for our baby girl, I have faith that my body will do what it was made to do when our little girly is ready to make an appearance.

Here are a couple shots from our vacation. We were at the camp we got married at to celebrate the marriage of two good friends of ours. It was a lovely weekend and brought a bunch of reminiscing.

Big baby bump at 37 weeks

Jeb loved all the opportunities to swim, Little Beaver Lake, here in Bear Creek, and in Trout Run

Eric and I  at the Gully-Ford (Gulliford?!?)

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